Physical and Mental Health and Wellbeing Consulting (PMWC)



People are more open to talk about mental health nowadays, but it's misperceived to be intangible therefore impossible or harder to prevent, detect and manage than physical problems. On the other hand, the majority of mental health training is focused on raising awareness of anxiety, depression and simple self-help tools, which is too simple and basic to empower one to improve psychological and general wellbeing.

Did you know

  • 25% of GP appointments in the UK are due to medically unexplained symptoms (MUS)?

  • MUS are largely related to psychological issues?

  • GPs often refer those with MUS to a psychological professional, but it's felt that these professionals mainly listen to problems without doing anything else?

What Makes PMWC Unique?


Founder and Director

Hong Zhou worked for the NHS Northeast and Southeast London Bowel Cancer Screening Centers (BCSC). The latter was the largest BCSC in the capital covering six boroughs with over one million population. The bowel cancer screening program aims to promote early diagnosis of bowel cancer thus to reduce its mortality. She worked with screening practitioners, colorectal surgeons, consultant gastroenterologists, PCT to promote bowel cancer prevention, early diagnosis and treatment. One of Hong’s key tasks was compiling evidence based training materials and delivering training to healthcare professionals, including pharmacists, Community Mental Health Teams, Community Drug and Alcohol Teams and targeted screening population as well as community and voluntary organizations.

Henry L Gewanter 



Henry L Gewanter is one of the UK’s leading corporate and financial communications consultants. An expert in disaster containment and control, he successfully handled high-profile crisis management projects including the Blue Arrow trials and the Maxwell pension scandal, as well as a number of corporate, financial, regulatory and administrative disasters.  His more recent work includes exposing the MPs’ expenses scandal. He Co-Chairs the Chartered of Institute of Public Relation’s Professional Standards Panel.

Justine Cawley


Justine Cawley has significant leadership experience working in large, complex public sector organisations, including health, further and higher education, and central and regional government. She has particular expertise in driving national policy and programmes developed across health and social care, including developing a new career pathway for carers. 

Ms Sandhan M.A.

Training Assistant 

Ms Sandhan has a Psychology M.A. degree and is currently pursuing her MS in psychology. She is eager to explore how individuals cope with daily struggles and what practical measures they take to stay mentally well. She loves music and dance, which bring joy and balance into her life.


Ms Furia BSc 

Training Assistant 

Ms Furia has a Physiotherapy BSc degree and is currently pursuing her MSc in Sports and Exercise Physiology. She has a passion for helping others regain optional physical wellbeing and creating a positive impact. She loves playing badminton and travelling. 


Ms Saleem


Ms Saleem is a beautician with 15 years’ experience. She is a mother of two small children with interests in dance, singing, reading and being part of a group. She enjoys working in a team and has a passion for health improvement. 


Targeted Audiences
PMWC offers a diverse range of interesting, intellectually and physically stimulating and motivating workshops, webinars, health talks and keynote speaking as well as one to one consultation
It equips the following groups of people with effective means to become resourceful, thus enables them to handle stressors and minimize their harmful impacts on physical and mental health and wellbeing.

Young People

  • Half of all mental health conditions start by age 14 but most cases are undetected and untreated.

  • Studies discovered that adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), including sexual and physical abuse, neglect and bereavement, have horrific impacts on brain development, and lead to numerous poor physical and mental health outcomes.

  • Depression is the fourth leading cause of illness and disability among adolescents aged 15–19 and fifteenth for those aged 10–14.

  • A 2020 Insight Network survey of students from 10 universities discovered almost half had experienced a serious psychological issue for which they felt they needed professional help

What can PMWC do differently?

  • Empowering parents and organisations working with young people to prevent, early detect and manage ACEs and minimise their impacts on physical and mental health

  • Empowering the youth to learn essential skills and knowledge to become resourceful thus to tackle stressors practically, intellectually, emotionally and physically

Older People

  • Mental and neurological disorders among older adults account for 6.6% of the total disability for this age group

  • Approximately 15% of adults aged 60 and over suffer from a mental disorder.

  • Over one million people in later life say they always or often feel lonely

  • Older people have a higher risk for chronic conditions, such as bowel cancer, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, primary hyperaldosteronism, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, dementia and more.

PWMC aims to empower older people to strengthen healthy living, early detect and manage commonly seen health issues effectively.


  • Women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety as men.

  • Women between the ages of 16 and 24 are almost three times as likely (26%) to experience a common mental health issue as males of the same age (9%)

  • 25.7% of women and 9.7% of men aged 16-24 report having self-harmed at some point in their life.

  • It's estimated by WHO that globally about one in three women have been subjected to either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime.

  • Violence has negative impacts on women’s physical, mental, sexual health, and may increase the risk of acquiring HIV in some settings

PWMC empowers women to

  • prevent and early detect mental health issues and domestic violence

  • minimise stressors' negative impacts on women' physical and mental health and wellbeing.

Immigrants & Refugees - (Legal) Wellbeing Advice

  • Most legal battles last for years, which cause massive psychological and emotional distress.

  • On the other hand few people are entitled to legal aid, and cannot pay legal fees privately. So most of them are forced to give up fighting for justice to avoid financial, psychological burnout and stress-related diseases.

  • Immigrants and refugees encounter complicated and lengthy legal battles, and chronic stress induced to gain or remain their status in the UK, which has detrimental impacts on their physical and mental health and wellbeing.

PWMC offers

  • guidance on self-study of immigration and human rights law, thus to empower immigrants to become a litigant in person to cut down legal costs.

  • guidance on how to reduce the intensity and frequency of stress induced by legal battles, thus to minimise detrimental impacts on physical and mental health and wellbeing

  • refugees guidance on how to minimise the harmful impacts on physical and mental health adversities have.

PWMC also offers similar services to those encountering legal battles in employment, professional negligence and personal injury.


"The webinar was enjoyable, useful and very relevant to me. As someone who has anxious periods and a demanding job, the guidance provided by Hong was incredibly valuable. During the webinar, Hong spoke about the significant role that human ecosystem can play in mental health. This was a real eye opener for me as I wasn’t aware of this. It has provided me with new ways of how to explore methods to improve my mental health. The use of dance and movements too during a webinar was a unique experience for me. The webinar has provided me with new ways of trying to support my overall mental well-being."

- Nick, London

"The session was full of energy and enthusiasm. Hong was regularly checking in with the attendees for any questions or discussing the flow of the session. I enjoyed that it was a balance of interaction (dance and exercises) and Hong's presentation.

I've learned new things: other cultures, Thai Chi moments and more about mental health and how to deal with this."

-Angelique, London

"We funded Hong Zhou to deliver some engaging workshops in our area focused on mental and physical well-being. They covered a wide range of health-related topics from both Western and Eastern perspectives as well as dance movements, such as Korean Pop Dance, Taichi and more, which participants greatly enjoyed!"

– Rachel, London

Workshops & CLASSES

Starting on the 25th June 2024!

Book your FREE space now! 

Starting on the 25th June 2024!

Book your FREE space now! 

Coming soon! 

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Contact Us

PMWC is part of Mile Rainbow C.I.C, company No 13951369, registered in England & Wales  
71-75 Shelton Street  
Covent Garden 